Saturday, March 12, 2011

gnocchi from scratch

I've tried store bought gnocchi and it wasn't very good. They are just bland dense doughs that don't soak up much of the sauce. Now that I have some extra time on hand, this would be a good time to try making gnocchi from scratch.
I found a recipe on Serious Eats. Recipe here. It took a little less than 2 hours from beginning to food on the table. But the result was amazing. Now I just wish I made more so there's leftovers.
It's not something I would make regularly. But for special occasions, it's worth every bit of effort.
the dough is made from mixing cooked potato flesh, eggs and flour; the less flour you use the more tender the dumplings. I don't have a potato ricer. So I just roughly chopped the cooked potatoes with my dough scraper

Once the dough is smooth, roll into a ball and divide into fours
shape each portion into a long rope
cut into small pillows
work with one pillow at a time, roll on the back of a fork to create ridges on one side and a finger dimple on the other
the finished gnocchi would have a dimple on one side, which traps and holds sauce
For the sauce I used a roasted red pepper pesto that I made a couple days ago. The dish came together in less than 10 minutes after all the gnocchi were shaped
The gnocchi was so soft and tender and had a hint of sweetness from the potatoes. It soaked up so much sauce from both the tender flesh and the dimple shape. Because I didn't rice the potatoes, every now and then you get some small chucks of potatoes under your teeth when you bite into it. It's sooooooo good.