Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's almost spring here...

Having just escaped snow storms and single-digit temp so common this time of the year in Chicago, we couldn't help but to cheer at the sight of these small pink flowering shrubs in a Target parking lot when we were out running errands. It feels like spring here in Portland. It hasn't rained for a week since we got here. You can walk around the city in sweatshirts and jeans. We saw people in shorts and t-shirts. Now that's a bit reckless. But sweatshirts and jeans is good enough for us.
We've already sent gloating photos to friends back in Chicago, who are probably preparing for yet another major storm. But we love them and miss them so terribly, wishing they were here. 

1 comment:

  1. We miss you guys! And yes, you dodged a huge bullet with this blizzard... Drifts of wind-packed snow up to 4' deep are scattered throughout the neighborhood! Makes us want to ski something fierce, though. ;-)
